2020 PUBG Continental Series Charity Showdown (이하 “PCS Charity Showdown”)은 PCS 시리즈의 프리시즌 역할을 하는 대회로 아시아, APAC 각 16개팀이 지역별로 나뉘어 5월 14일부터 24일까지 진행된 이벤트입니다. 권역 별 20만 달러의 상금 중 50%가 대회 참가팀의 이름으로 기부되는 채러티 대회입니다. 바나나컬쳐의 서울, 상하이 스튜디오가 ASIA와 APAC의 글로벌 피드 제작을 담당했고, 코로나19 상황에서 펍지 글로벌 이스포츠가 지속할 수 있는 전형을 만든 대회로 평가되고 있습니다.
2020 PUBG Continental Series Charity Showdown (“PCS Charity Showdown”) was a pre-season event for the PUBG Continental Series that 16 teams from each Asia and Asia Pacific (“APAC”) competed from 14th to 24th of May. With total of 200,000 USD prize pool per region, half of prize donated in the name of participating teams. Both Banana Culture Shanghai and Seoul branches produced Asia and APAC global feed production and the event received high praise on its possibility of PUBG’s global tournament via online under COVID-19 pandemic situation.

Launch Date : May, 2020
Chief Executive Producer. Crisis Wi
Executive Producer. Stein Won
Chief Tech Producer. Tommy Lee
Chief Biz Producer. Hyun Lee, Jun Li, Cao Di, Eddy Yoon
Production Manager. Johnny Choi
League Ops. Lewis Yim, Mark Kim, Kaz Lee, James Jang
Production Director. Sun Kim, Andy Kim, Yoo Hui Min
Art Director. Jung Hyun Kak
VA Project Manager. Gil Soo
OAP Producer. Choi Yong Seok, Min Hyung Rok
2D Artist. Hong Yun Kyung
3D Artist. Song Ki Bean, Bae Sung Hwan, Han Eon Jae, Lee Yeo Jin
Launch Date : May, 2020
Chief Executive Producer. Crisis Wi
Executive Producer. Stein Won
Chief Tech Producer. Tommy Lee
Chief Biz Producer. Hyun Lee, Jun Li, Cao Di, Eddy Yoon
Production Manager. Johnny Choi
League Ops. Lewis Yim, Mark Kim, Kaz Lee, James Jang
Production Director. Sun Kim, Andy Kim, Yoo Hui Min
Art Director. Jung Hyun Kak
VA Project Manager. Gil Soo
OAP Producer. Choi Yong Seok, Min Hyung Rok
2D Artist. Hong Yun Kyung
3D Artist. Song Ki Bean, Bae Sung Hwan, Han Eon Jae, Lee Yeo Jin