WCG, a global eSports festival for better world, is well known as the largest eSports tournament ever since its first launch in 2000. WCG seeks to reach beyond the boundaries of eSports competition and aspire to become a festival where everyone across the globe can gather in excitement. As a partner of WCG 2019 Xi’an, Banana Culture provided general supervising over the planning and the management of eSports tournaments. WCG 2019 Xi’an showed total of 16 different items including 12 eSports events along with New Horizon (AI soccer, VR eSports, Robot fights) which uses new technologies to excavate the future of sports. More than forty-thousand players joined from 111 different nations to compete against each other and were viewed by more than 193 million views on 8 different platforms offered in 13 different languages. Participation of 111 countries is the largest scale ever seen in WCG with its online broadcasting viewership reaching the highest number in multi-events eSports world. Additionally, the grand final which took place in Xi’an, China hosted approximately hundred and twenty thousand audience who have gathered to celebrate the return of WCG after 6 years.
더 나은 세상을 위한 글로벌 eSports 축제 WCG는 2000년 처음 출범한 이래 세계 최대의 eSports 대회로 인정받고 있습니다. WCG는 eSports대회 그 이상을 추구하며 전 세계 모든 사람들이 함께 어울리는 축제를 꿈꿉니다. 바나나컬쳐는 WCG 2019 Xi’an의 파트너로서 eSports 대회의 기획과 운영을 총괄하여 진행했습니다. WCG 2019 Xi’an은 12개의 eSports 종목뿐만 아니라 신기술을 이용해 새로운 미래 스포츠 영역을 발굴하는 뉴호라이즌 (AI축구, VR eSports, 로봇격투 등 4개 종목)을 포함하여 총 16개의 종목을 선보였습니다. 무려 111개국에서 모인 4만여명의 선수가 경기를 펼쳤으며 8개의 플랫폼, 13개 언어를 통해 전 세계에 중계되어 1억 9300만의 뷰어쉽을 기록했습니다. 111개국 참여는 WCG가 개최된 이래 역대 최대 규모이며, 온라인 중계 뷰어쉽은 다종목 eSports 대회 중 역대 최대 수치를 기록하였습니다. 또한 중국 시안에서 열린 그랜드파이널에는 약 12만명의 관람객이 모여 6년만에 다시 돌아온 WCG의 화려한 부활을 축하하며 즐겼습니다.

Client : Smilegate
Launch Date : JULY, 2019
Chief Executive Producer. Crisis Wi
Executive producer. Stein Won
Chief Tech Producer. Tommy Lee
Chief Biz Producer. Hyun Lee, Jun Li, Cao Di, Eddy Yoon
Production Manager. Johnny Choi, Mark Kim
Global project manager. Rosa Noh
Global Hub Producer. Jay Park
Production Director. Choi Yong Seok, Sun Kim, Tiguan Kim, Chung Yu Jin
League Ops. Lewis Yim, James Jang, Kaz Lee
Art director. Park Jae Gwan
VA project manager. Sue Kim
OAP Producer. Min Hyung Rok, Jang Ha Yeong
2D Artist. Kim Jung Eun, Kwon Sun Young, Hwang Dong Gey, Ko Hyuk Jun
Collaborators. 816, Vivr
Launch Date : JULY, 2019
Chief Executive Producer. Crisis Wi
Executive producer. Stein Won
Chief Tech Producer. Tommy Lee
Chief Biz Producer. Hyun Lee, Jun Li, Cao Di, Eddy Yoon
Production Manager. Johnny Choi, Mark Kim
Global project manager. Rosa Noh
Global Hub Producer. Jay Park
Production Director. Choi Yong Seok, Sun Kim, Tiguan Kim, Chung Yu Jin
League Ops. Lewis Yim, James Jang, Kaz Lee
Art director. Park Jae Gwan
VA project manager. Sue Kim
OAP Producer. Min Hyung Rok, Jang Ha Yeong
2D Artist. Kim Jung Eun, Kwon Sun Young, Hwang Dong Gey, Ko Hyuk Jun
Collaborators. 816, Vivr