2020 Tianming Cup Season 7 (이하 “TMC S7”)은 중국의 대표 이스포츠 플랫폼 회사인 HUYA가 주최하고 바나나컬쳐가 주관하는 PUBG 중국 인비테이셔널 시리즈입니다. 8월 14일부터 23일까지 상하이 스튜디오에 총 24개 팀이 참가하여 조별리그-16강 토너먼트-그랜드 파이널을 거쳐 최종 우승팀(우승상금 15만 RMB)을 가리는 대회입니다. 바나나컬쳐 상하이 오피스는 PUBG 차이나 오피스, 플랫폼 HUYA와 긴밀한 파트너십을 통해 대회를 성공적으로 개최하였습니다.
2020 Tianming Cup Season 7 (“TMC S7”) is PUBG’s China region invitational series, hosted by China’s representative eSports platform company HUYA and organized by Banana Culture. Total of 24 teams compete for the 150,000 RMB by go through from group stage to the grand finals from August 14th to 23rd at Shanghai studio. We successfully organized the tournament cooperating with PUBG China and HUYA.
Key Visual


Graphic Package Design

Client : HUYA
Launch Date : Aug, 2020
Chief Executive Producer. Crisis Wi
Executive Producer. Stein Won
Chief Tech Producer. Tommy Lee
Chief Biz Producer. Hyun Lee, Jun Li, Cao Di
Production Manager. Johnny Choi
Art Director. Jung Hyun Kak
VA Project Manager. Gil soo
2D Artist. Hong Yun Kyung, Bae Sung Hwan
3D Artist. Kwon Young Ju
Launch Date : Aug, 2020
Chief Executive Producer. Crisis Wi
Executive Producer. Stein Won
Chief Tech Producer. Tommy Lee
Chief Biz Producer. Hyun Lee, Jun Li, Cao Di
Production Manager. Johnny Choi
Art Director. Jung Hyun Kak
VA Project Manager. Gil soo
2D Artist. Hong Yun Kyung, Bae Sung Hwan
3D Artist. Kwon Young Ju