2020 Call of Duty Mobile World Championship Korea Qualifier (이하 “COD 2020 World Championship Korea Qualifier”)은 8월 8일, 9일 양일간 한국 VSL스튜디오에서 총 8개 팀이 참가하여 ‘Call of Duty:Mobile World Championship’에 참가할 한국 대표팀을 선발하는 대회입니다.
2020 Call of Duty Mobile World Championship Korea Qualifier (“COD 2020 World Championship Korean Qualifier”) was a tournament to choose the Korean representative team for be at ‘Call of Duty:Mobile World Championship’. It was held in VSL studio, Korea from 8th to 9th August by total of 8 teams.

Opening Title

Participation Guide Promotion

Key Visual - Draft

Graphic Package

Client : TENCENT
Launch Date : Aug, 2020
Chief Executive Producer. Crisis Wi
Executive Producer. Stein Won
Chief Tech Producer. Tommy Lee
Chief Biz Producer. Hyun Lee, Jun Li, Cao Di
Production Manager. Johnny Choi
League Ops. Lewis Yim
Production Director. Tiguan Kim
Art Director. Jung Hyun Kak
VA Project Manager. Im Se Hwan
OAP Producer. Min Hyung Rok
2D Artist. Kwon Sun Yong, Kim Jung Eun
3D Artist. Kim Su Ha
Launch Date : Aug, 2020
Chief Executive Producer. Crisis Wi
Executive Producer. Stein Won
Chief Tech Producer. Tommy Lee
Chief Biz Producer. Hyun Lee, Jun Li, Cao Di
Production Manager. Johnny Choi
League Ops. Lewis Yim
Production Director. Tiguan Kim
Art Director. Jung Hyun Kak
VA Project Manager. Im Se Hwan
OAP Producer. Min Hyung Rok
2D Artist. Kwon Sun Yong, Kim Jung Eun
3D Artist. Kim Su Ha