The PUBG Mobile Star Challenge (PMSC) World Cup 2019 was held at the Riyadh Front in Saudi Arabia from December 12-14. It was the third event in the PMSC series since PUBG Mobile game release. PMSC World Cup 2019 was the final destination of two-month Riyadh Season holding a solid prize pool of US $300,000. Out of 32 participating teams, 16 teams were from MENA and the other 16 teams were from other global regions. Banana Culture with many global esports tournament production experience even was involved since building the arena and carried out a spectacular event in Saudi Arabia.
PUBG Mobile Star Challenge (PMSC) World Cup 2019는 12월 12일~14일 사우디 아라비아의 리야드 프론트에서 개최되었습니다. 이는 PUBG Mobile 출시 이후 세 번째 PMSC 이벤트였습니다. PMSC 월드컵 2019는 2 개월 리야드 시즌의 종착역으로 미화 30 만 달러의 상금을 두고 경쟁했습니다. 32개의 팀들은 중동과 북아프리카 지역에서 16 개 팀이, 다른 16 개 팀은 세계 다른 지역에서 출전했습니다. 풍부한 경험을 토대로 바나나컬쳐는 사우디아라비아에서 경기장 건설 단계부터 기획에 참여하며 성공적으로 이벤트를 진행했습니다.
Launch Date : Dec, 2019

Chief Executive Producer. Crisis Wi
Executive producer. Stein Won
Chief Tech Producer. Tommy Lee
Chief Biz Producer. Hyun Lee, Jun Li, Cao Di, Eddy Yoon
Production Manager. Johnny Choi, Mark Kim
Global project manager. Rosa Noh
Global Hub Producer. Jay Park
Production Director. Choi Yong Seok, Tiguan Kim, Sun Kim, Yoon So Hyun
League Ops. Lewis Yim, James Jang, Kaz Lee

Art director. Jung Hyun Kak
VA project manager. Gil soo
OAP Producer. Min Hyung Rok, Kim Jin Geun
2D Artist. Kwon Sun Yong, Kim Jung Eun, Shin Dong Hyuk
3D Artist. Song Ki Bean
Collaborators. SUPER VERY MORE

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